At The Eye Center. We are pleased to announce the presence of four dedicated cornea specialists and refractive surgeons who have unmatched individual and combined experience dealing with simple to the most complex eye problems specifically in the area of cornea, refractive surgery and external disease.

Our cornea specialists are Dr. Tanveer Anjum Chaudhry, Dr. Mustafa Kamal, Dr Muhammad Saeed and Dr. Muhammad Hamza.

In addition to our cornea and refractive surgery specialists we have eye surgeons who are equipped to deal with all types of retinal disease, trauma, defects in alignment of the eyes whether intermittent or constant known as strabismus, oculoplastics, aesthetic problems of the eyelid and mid-facial area, glaucoma, anterior segment disease and uveitis. We deal with both adult as well as pediatric patients.

If you need to make an appointment with any of our doctors please contact 0304 1119544, 03028291799 or O3008933377 or request an appointment through our web portal using our make an appointment feature at

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